Keely at the UnMom started this silliness.
Last week was my 15 year anniversary. Of my wedding. All I can say is WOW. Really didn't expect that to creep up so fast. I guess when the big 4-0 is around the corner, the 15 year thing could easily sneak up on you. I managed to create a mid-week getaway for us. We went to a cute historic, but trendy chic little town up north. Booming thunderstorms during our overnight. It is nice to get away and leave the kids behind. You feel like a young couple again and can do things the kids can't whine about because they're not there. We visited a winery, had a wine tasting, and bought cheese and wine as well as wine. I guess we got our w(h)ine in.
My son had a bullseye rash on Friday. Yeah, that kind of bullseye. The one where you're not sure if it was a tick bite or a really bad mosquito rash. We went to the doctor on Saturday morning and he was looked at, had blood drawn for testing, and put on antibiotics as a precautionary measure. But I think we'll have to watch him for fatigue, chills, aches and pains. He's acting fine, so I'm not too worried. I'm glad the doctor wasn't taking any chances, even though it could have been caused by something else.
Someone I know on Facebook had this link to
science tattoos. Hmmm...I've been contemplating ink to mark the 40th anniversary of my birth. Maybe this will give me some inspiration. I can be geeky and tattoed.
Is the laptop or it's smaller friend the netbook the new 'I'm taking a magazine into the toilet'? Maybe that's what the iPad is for actually.
If you caught my post
yesterday and saw my CSA goodies, I just want to say they are growing the tastiest, crunchiest, yummiest cucumbers I've had in a long time.
Aliceson, maybe you'll have to drop some of yours by for comparison.
I was with a group of women, of a certain age, my age, or range of ages with a median upon my age, in fact. And I was so relieved to find a majority of us had chin hair challenges. So much so, that many are stocking up on tweezers to have in the car in addition to home use. I will have to think about that. Unfortunately, I have yet to find tweezers just like my very best ones, which are probably 30-40 years old, because I think I took them from my own mother (sorry, Mom, but they do work nice). I prefer the scissor style with a straight edge, not angled. The pinch ones don't pinch tight enough. The grip on the scissor style works better for me. Now if I could only get good light into my bathroom to actually see the culprits.
That's all I got for now. Stay tuned, more craziness to ensue the next week. You're going to think I exploded with the blogging. I just divided it up equally so you could get a little every day.