Thursday, January 8, 2009


Not on a daily basis, but every so often, my daughter's eyes catch me off guard. They look so blue. Like the blue sky of morning, with a few puffs of cloud floating by. Like the deep blue ocean, warm and vivid. Like those, but more. So much more blue, I just want to sit and get lost in them. They are bluer than mine ever were, that I can remember, and I'm just amazed at how they can hold me in their thrall. They make me feel warm inside, but also like my heart is breaking, they can be so achingly, painfully blue for me. And I just want to stare at them forever.

But I don't, because I'm mom and she's daughter and she's got more important things to do.


Irish Gumbo said...


Beautiful, and spot on. I'd do the same thing with my Wee Lass, but 4 year olds and their agendas...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

She is so blu-ti-ful!

Aliceson said...

...and those cheeks. I'd be squeezing them all day. Beautiful!

Moyrid said...

It is those little moments that complete you.

June Saville said...

When they're fifty you still look at them in awe and freiendship.