So, how satisfying is it to clean out your email? Actually, quite a bit. I was using 160MB of my mailbox. I went through the inbox and sent mail portions, then went and deleted it out of the deleted box and cut it down to 75 MB. Lots of email from the second half of last year that I hadn't had a chance to clean out. Then I went through files. When you move office, you find you have a number of files that you need to comb through and whittle down. Most of yesterday I spent shredding a lot of those files (yes, it was sensitive information) for about four years worth of stuff. So I didn't accomplish much of anything else (filled the shredder about five times though), but it was satisfying to get my office less full of boxes and putting the files away.
Now, if I could just get that feeling about the papers laying around my house. They just keep coming. School papers, ads from the mail, bills, stuff I need to make a decision or take action on. I also need to finish taxes. They are almost done, but need to force myself to do them.
Remember my organization from several weeks ago? Ok, maybe a few months ago already. Yeah, that lasted about a week.
Celebrating 250 Years: Jane Austen’s Bookshelf
20 hours ago
1 comment:
I need to do this. My inbox at work has started hitting its size limit, which is pretty significant. And my personal drives need to be cleaned out, too. It would probably take me like half a day just to weed through it all :)
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