Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Other things writery...

I've been floating around in the writer's universe a bit and ran across this book: Across the Universe.  The author, Beth Revis, has a blog and it is interesting to see her progress through to a finished, published book.  And the first chapter is fascinating.  It is very sci-fi, but I like sci-fi and it seems entertaining.  She's offering a generous contest, in which 100 prizes will be awarded.  All book related, as it will come out 1.11.11.  If you're slightly sci-fi leaning, or interested in seeing more about her publishing journey, go check it out and see if you'd like to win some free stuff, too.  Good luck!

1 comment:

Nicole Leigh Shaw said...

Actually floating over to say thanks of the SD Taxidermy update. Why do I not see myself and DBS heading to SD to make fun of stuffed 'coons? Why can't they hold these things in Florida?

And, this sci-fi writer looks interesting. Glad I came by to stumble upon it.